IIMB Management Review June 2018

IMR Special Issue on Innovation, Intellectual Property and Competition in India

Volume 30,   No 2

June 2018

From Editor

Ashok Thampy



Muhammad Shahnawaz Adil and Mayra Baig

Impact of Job Demands- Resources Model on Burnout and Employee's Well-Being: Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Organisations of Karachi

Anupriya Singh

Continuous Performance-Based Feedback and Justice Perceptions: Evidence for Mediation by Experienced Participation

Sanjay Sehgal, Shruti Mathur, Mamta Arora and Latika Gupta

Sovereign Ratings: Determinants and Policy Implications for India

C.P. Abdul Gafoor, V. Mariappan and S.Thyagarajan

Board Characteristics and Bank Performance in India
Ashutosh Muduli, Vinita Kaura and Ali Quazi Pedagogy or Andragogy?  Views of Indian Graduate Business Students

Round Table

Srivardhini K. Jha


Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in India: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead


Book Review


Dalhia Mani 

Managing the Family Business: Theory and Practice

Thomas Zellweger, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017, 544 pages, INR 6175