IIMB Management Review September 2014

Volume 26, No 3

September 2014

From the Editor

Nagasimha Balakrishna Kanagal



Jayant R Kale and Costanza Meneghetti

Supplier/Customer Considerations in Corporate Financial Decisions

Abinash Panda and Rajen K Gupta

Making Academic Research more Relevant: A Few Suggestions

Anshu Handoo and Kapil Sharma

A Study on Determinants of Capital Structure in India


Sourav Mukherji

In Conversation with Ramesh Ramanathan, Chairman, Janalakshmi Social Services and Janaadhar

Round Table

Ashish K Chaturvedi, Manjeet S Saluja, Abhijit Banerjee and Rachna Arora

Environmental Fiscal Reforms

Book Review  

Kuldeep Singh

Organizational Development and Alignment: The Tensegrity Mandala Framework Gagandeep Singh and Raghu Ananthanarayanan, Sage Publications, 2013, New Delhi, pp. 268, Rs. 795