IIMB Management Review March 2019


Volume 31,   No 1

March 2019

From Editor

Ashok Thampy



Ramadhar Singh, Naureen Bhullar, Krithiga Sankaran 


Leader-versus-member and fair-versus-biased categorisations as safeguards against negative effects of demographic diversity on group attraction 

Ashis Mishra, Radhika Vishwas 


Retail shopper empowerment: A consumer centric measure for store performance


Purnima Rao, Satish Kumar, Vinodh Madhavan

A study on factors driving the capital structure decisions of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in India

Jaslene Kaur Bawa, S K Mitra, Vinay Goyal, Sankarshan Basu

An analysis of NPAs of Indian banks: Using a comprehensive framework of 31 financial ratios 

Lakshmi Viswanathan, S Maheswaran

Back to normal? A study of the behaviour of volatility in the Indian stock market

Khushbu Agrawal, Yogesh Maheshwari 

Efficacy of industry factors for corporate default prediction


Sidhartha S Padhi, Rajnish Kumar, Asutosh Sarkar 

Supplier selection of an Indian heavy locomotive manufacturer: An integrated approach using Taguchi loss function, TOPSIS, and AHP

Round Table

Mukta Kulkarni

Digital accessibility: Challenges and opportunities

Book Review
Muthu Mathirajan

Business Analytics: The Science of Data-Driven Decision Making

U. Dinesh Kumar, Wiley , 2017,  736 pp, INR 729