IIM Bangalore & IIIT Bangalore to host Joint Workshop on Paper Development for ICIS 2020 on March 30

The International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2020 will be held in Hyderabad in December 2020. Leading up to the conference is a Workshop on Paper Development that is scheduled for 30th March at IIM Bangalore. This will be a joint activity by IIM Bangalore and IIIT Bangalore along with the India Chapter of Association for Information Systems (AIS).
The purpose of this workshop is to invite scholars in Information Systems who are planning to submit papers to ICIS 2020 (paper submission deadline 3rd May, 2020) to have their drafts reviewed by a community of scholars. The workshop will seek papers that are in near-complete stage or are already completed, for submission to ICIS, and for which authors are seeking feedback to improve and fine tune. The workshop will provide feedback on aspects of topic selection, track selection, compliance with paper formatting, presentation style, and research content.
Target Audience
The workshop is meant for those scholars who are targeting papers for ICIS 2020, and who are at a relatively mature stage of development of their papers. The scholars may be PhD students or academics or practitioners, from any discipline. Though we are emphasizing papers that are relatively well developed, we will be open to papers that are at an early stage and have the potential to be developed in the one month remaining before submission.
Workshop Modalities
A community of IS scholars, from various institutions in India, such as IIMs, IITs, IIITs, and also from abroad, will review and comment on the submitted papers. The paper authors will be invited to present their papers at the workshop, in brief, and comments from the selected reviewers will be provided to them. There will be at least three reviewers for each of the papers.
Paper submission: 10th March, 2020. All authors will have to submit their drafts by this deadline to be included in the workshop.
All submitted papers will be considered for review at the workshop. However, if the number of submissions exceeds the time and resources available for discussion, priority will be given to those papers that will benefit most from the workshop.
The workshop will be conducted at IIM Bangalore.
Fees and lodging
There is no registration fee for the workshop. PhD students will be provided free accommodation for two nights (29th & 30th March) in the students hostel.
Guidelines for submitting papers
Please follow the ICIS2020 paper submission guidelines, with the difference of including your name and affiliation in the paper. Please submit a pdf with the following title "Yourname_ShortTitle.pdf". Please submit your paper to pwws.icis2020@iimb.ac.in. Please specify if you are a student and would like to avail the accommodation as specified above.
Workshop Coordinators:
Rajendra Bandi, IIM Bangalore
Amit Prakash, IIIT Bangalore
Rahul De', IIM Bangalore
Student Coordinators:
Sai Dattathrani, IIM Bangalore - Mail id: sai.dattathrani17@iimb.ac.in
Sowmya Kini, IIM Bangalore - Mail id: sowmya.kini17@iimb.ac.in
IIM Bangalore & IIIT Bangalore to host Joint Workshop on Paper Development for ICIS 2020 on March 30
The International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2020 will be held in Hyderabad in December 2020. Leading up to the conference is a Workshop on Paper Development that is scheduled for 30th March at IIM Bangalore. This will be a joint activity by IIM Bangalore and IIIT Bangalore along with the India Chapter of Association for Information Systems (AIS).
The purpose of this workshop is to invite scholars in Information Systems who are planning to submit papers to ICIS 2020 (paper submission deadline 3rd May, 2020) to have their drafts reviewed by a community of scholars. The workshop will seek papers that are in near-complete stage or are already completed, for submission to ICIS, and for which authors are seeking feedback to improve and fine tune. The workshop will provide feedback on aspects of topic selection, track selection, compliance with paper formatting, presentation style, and research content.
Target Audience
The workshop is meant for those scholars who are targeting papers for ICIS 2020, and who are at a relatively mature stage of development of their papers. The scholars may be PhD students or academics or practitioners, from any discipline. Though we are emphasizing papers that are relatively well developed, we will be open to papers that are at an early stage and have the potential to be developed in the one month remaining before submission.
Workshop Modalities
A community of IS scholars, from various institutions in India, such as IIMs, IITs, IIITs, and also from abroad, will review and comment on the submitted papers. The paper authors will be invited to present their papers at the workshop, in brief, and comments from the selected reviewers will be provided to them. There will be at least three reviewers for each of the papers.
Paper submission: 10th March, 2020. All authors will have to submit their drafts by this deadline to be included in the workshop.
All submitted papers will be considered for review at the workshop. However, if the number of submissions exceeds the time and resources available for discussion, priority will be given to those papers that will benefit most from the workshop.
The workshop will be conducted at IIM Bangalore.
Fees and lodging
There is no registration fee for the workshop. PhD students will be provided free accommodation for two nights (29th & 30th March) in the students hostel.
Guidelines for submitting papers
Please follow the ICIS2020 paper submission guidelines, with the difference of including your name and affiliation in the paper. Please submit a pdf with the following title "Yourname_ShortTitle.pdf". Please submit your paper to pwws.icis2020@iimb.ac.in. Please specify if you are a student and would like to avail the accommodation as specified above.
Workshop Coordinators:
Rajendra Bandi, IIM Bangalore
Amit Prakash, IIIT Bangalore
Rahul De', IIM Bangalore
Student Coordinators:
Sai Dattathrani, IIM Bangalore - Mail id: sai.dattathrani17@iimb.ac.in
Sowmya Kini, IIM Bangalore - Mail id: sowmya.kini17@iimb.ac.in