Professor Chetan Subramanian joined IIM Bangalore as an Associate Professor in the Economics Area in May 2010. Prior to joining IIM Bangalore, he was a faculty member at the University Of Buffalo, New York (SUNY). His research interests lie in the areas of monetary economics, financial markets and development economics and his work has appeared in leading journals such as the Journal of Money Credit and Banking, Economic theory, Canadian Journal of Economics, Economic Development and Cultural Change.
Select Journal articles
- “Transactions Cost and Interest Rate Rules,” (with Hwagyun Kim), Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Vol. 38 No.4, pp 1077-1092, 2006.
- "The Optimal Choice of Monetary Policy Instruments in a Small Open Economy," (with Rajesh Singh), Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 41, Issue 1, pp. 105-137, 2008.
- "Temporary stabilization with capital controls," (with Rajesh Singh), Economic Theory, Volume 34, Number 3, pp 545-574, 2008.
- “Purchasing power parity versus fixed exchange rate rules: A stability and welfare analysis,” (with J.K.Shin), The Manchester School, 80: 321–354, 2013
- “Disinflation with labor market frictions,” (with J.K.Shin), Journal of Macroeconomics, Volume 41, Pages 1–15, 2014.
- “Financial market segmentation and choice of exchange rate regimes,” (with Vipul Mathur), Economic Letters, Volume 142, Pages 78–82, 2016.
- “Monetary policy and noise traders: A welfare analysis” (with J.K.Shin), Journal of Macroeconomics, Volume 49, Pages 33–45, 2016.
- “Healthcare investment and income inequality” Journal of Health Economics. (with Ayona Bhattacharjee, Jong Kook Shin and Shailender Swaminathan), Volume 56, Pages 163-177, 2017.
- “Are there Social returns to Education in Developing Countries: Evidence from Indonesia” (with Radhika Joshi and Shailender Swaminathan) Forthcoming, Economic Development and Cultural Change.
- “Asset Price Bubbles and Technological Innovations” (with J.K Shin) Forthcoming Economic Inquiry.
Professor Subramanian currently teaches International Macroeconomics to MBA students and Advanced Macroeconomics to doctoral students. He has also conducted executive education programmes for leading companies such as Mckinsey, L&T, TCS, HSBC, HDFC and KPMG.
Ph.D. Economics, University of Southern California, USA
M.A Economics, Tufts University, Boston, USA