Centres Of Excellence

To focus on new and emerging areas of research and education, Centres of Excellence have been established within the Institute. These ‘virtual' centres draw on resources from its stakeholders, and interact with them to enhance core competencies



Faculty members at IIMB generate knowledge through cutting-edge research in all functional areas of management that would benefit public and private sector companies, and government and society in general.


IIMB Management Review

Journal of Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

IIM Bangalore offers Degree-Granting Programmes, a Diploma Programme, Certificate Programmes and Executive Education Programmes and specialised courses in areas such as entrepreneurship and public policy.


About IIMB

The Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) believes in building leaders through holistic, transformative and innovative education


Past Events

Please find below the list of events conducted by CSITM in the last five years


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Seminars, Conferences Summits by the Centre





State of the Map conference

A two-day conference hosted by Centre for Software and IT Management (CSITM), Centre for Public Policy (CPP) of IIM Bangalore and SOTMAC (State of the Map Asia, 2018 Committee)

The two-day event featured presentations, panel discussions, and workshops about mobilizing, sustaining, and growing more inclusive open mapping communities. 

State of the Map (SOTM) Asia is the annual conference of OpenStreetMap communities since 2015. The first conference was organized in Jakarta, Indonesia (2015), followed by Manila, Philippines (2016) and Kathmandu, Nepal (2017). 

The conference brought together participants from around Asia to discuss the challenges, learn, and initiate study / research on mapping. With over 300 participants, the conference received a good press coverage.

17 and 18 November 2018

Software Product Management Summit (SPM 2019)

A two day event was conducted in partnership with International Software Product Management Association (ISPMA.org), the first of its kind in India.

Over 150 product management professionals, aspirants and students attend first Software Product Management Summit at IIMB.

The summit provided an opportunity for the Software Product Management Professionals to connect, network and celebrate excellence. The event involved workshops, panel discussions, key notes, student show case etc.

The event was a successful event with international participants with good press coverage.

14 and 15 February 2019

Software Product Management Summit (SPM 2020)

This was the second edition of the SPM Summit conducted in partnership with International Software Product Management Association (ISPMA.org)

Over 200 product management professionals, academicians, aspirants and students attend the India Software Product Management Summit 2020 at IIMB. The event involved academic and industry tracks with academic paper presentations, student showcase, workshops, keynote, panel discussions, etc. 

A wide range of Software Product Management (SPM)  themes through keynote addresses, workshops and panel sessions by industry leaders, professors, venture partners, product and talent heads made the two-day event very exciting. Research / Practice paper presentations, Student Presentations, mentor interactions, interviews and Practitioner conversations were some of the new additions this year. 

17 and 18 January 2020

Software Product Management Summit India 2021

The third edition of the SPM Summit in partnership with ISPMA.org with the theme "The Product Management Renaissance: 2021 & Beyond" was held 19th and 20th March 2021.

This was a collaborative virtual conference by IIMB and ISPMA. The summit brought the best of our product management community experiences from both the academic and industry perspective to ensure both our newest and seasoned digital Product Management superstars continue to drive innovation in the global marketplace.

The Summit consisted of three tracks – Academic / Research, Industry and Workshops with over 250 diverse individuals from academia and industry.

The research track introduced in this edition was a big success with submissions from all over the world, both from academic institutions and industry. This track also included student showcase. Best papers were given awards. As in the past two events, SPM Excellence Awards were announced by the Jury.

19 and 20 March 2021



1. Workshops, roundtables on contemporary topics that are at the intersection of Technology and Society




Month / Year

Workshops under ‘Future of Tech’ series in partnership with Software Freedom Law Centre (SFLC.in)

Conference on Internet Governance: India’s Perspective 

Conference was conducted in collaboration with IEEE to bring together the stakeholders from industry, academia and NGOs to discuss and debate the issue of internet governance from India’s perspective. 

Fostering a multi-stakeholder discussion on this topic and carrying it forward to the IEEE ETAP (Experts in Technology and Policy).

January 2016

Workshop on Impact of Education Technology Startups on Education Reform in India 

A participative workshop to assess the impact that education technology startups can have on the educational reform goals set up by RTE, Niti Aayog and other such initiatives by the Government of India. 


January 2016

Roundtable on Information Technology in Healthcare

The first event in the series.

The participants were from the Healthcare industry (both established and startups) and was held as a closed door invite with chosen experts.

A report was generated and circulated. 

The outcomes will benefit of policy making.

27 April 2019

Roundtable on ensuring Ethics by Design in AI Systems 

The second event in the series.

The event was conducted in similar format. The participants were from varied industries, academia, IT industry, students and lawyers. 

A report was generated and circulated.
The outcomes will benefit of policy making.

20 July 2019

Roundtable on The Advent of AI in Fintech -Privacy, Security and Governance


3rd event in the series of roundtables. 

The participants chosen were from Fintech (startups and established), large IT companies, banking industry, academia, students and lawyers. 

A report was generated and circulated. 

The outcomes will benefit of policy making.

19 October 2019

Webinar on Contact Tracing apps.

In this webinar, Prof. Rahul De’ interviewed legal experts on Design, Implementation and Effectiveness of contact tracing apps.

The workshop was of big value to the researchers (PhD students and faculty) of IIMB and those who joined from other institutes. This was of particular relevance to FPM students who are working on Risk and Healthcare (privacy / ethics). 

A video of the event with captions was widely disseminated.

03 June 2020

Workshops under ‘Technology and Society’ series in partnership with Software Freedom Law Centre (SFLC.in)

Roundtable on Internet Shutdowns 

The panel comprised of eminent lawmakers, social activists, academics and lawyers. The discussions were moderated by Prof. Neena Pandey, Faculty, IIM Visakhapatnam.

The event will help the stakeholders to highlight the key points at the right forum and guide the authorities around the globe.

11 November 2020


Roundtable on ‘Encryption Debate in India: The Road Ahead’

The second topic of discussion is ‘Encryption Debate in India: The panel comprised of eminent lawmakers, bureaucrats, researchers social activists, academics and lawyers.

The discussions were moderated by Prof. Anil Suraj of IIMB and Mishi Choudhary, Managing Partner, Mishi Choudhary & Associates LLP.

The event will help the stakeholders to highlight the key points at the right forum and guide the authorities around the globe.

21 January 2021


More in the series have been planned



2. Workshops, roundtables to provide inputs to the law makers





Workshop on Privacy & Data Protection in the Digital Economy 

Workshop held in association with Software Freedom Law Centre (SFLC)

As an outcome of this discussion, a research project (CSITM & SFLC.in) in the area of cybersecurity policies was launched.

August 2016

Roundtable on “Building an India Data Protection Framework - Next Steps”

This was a joint event with Software Freedom Law Centre (SFLC) and Ananta Aspen Centre (an independent and not-for-profit). 

Over 60 professionals comprising of Lawyers, Industry Veterans, CEOs of start-ups and academicians participated in the event. 

The event resulted in declarations encompassing Informed consent and onus, creating awareness on “copyleft” and soliciting consent from willing individuals, concept of "Localization of Data”, etc. 

14 February 2018

Participation in Data Governance Network Roundtable

IDFC Institute organized a roundtable in Bangalore in connection with establishing a network on privacy and data protection to bring together researchers and organisations working on different aspects of personal data, information privacy, law and technology in the Indian context.  

IIMB is now part of the network and can contribute on an ongoing basis. During the discussions, ideas were shared in the constitution of the network itself to ensure effectiveness. 

The contributions of Prof. Rahul De’ were considered highly valuable.

31 August 2018

Participation in Roundtable on Data Protection 

Further to the report submitted by Justice B.N. Srikrishna along with a draft bill titled The Personal Data Protection Bill, 2018”, the Ministry of Information and Technology issued a call for comments on the draft Bill. SFLC.in organised a round-table discussions in Bangalore. 

With this participation, IIMB has made a significant contribution for the comments to be submitted to the ministry. The rest of the participation being from lawyers, professionals from industry, IIMS contribution as an academic / research institution was considered of high importance.

25 September 2018


3. Other workshops, roundtables aligned with contemporary topics





Workshop on Agile Software Development at Scale: Exploring the Management Frontier 

Discussions on experiences with practicing agile at scale Distributed Agile project management: A myth? 

This event helped in exchange / dissemination of knowledge and best practices in the emerging area of "Agile Software Development." 

July 2016

Panel discussion on the changing business model of IT companies to sustain growth 

To understand how IT companies are sustaining growth and how they are reacting to substantial changes in technology and customer expectations. 

As an outcome, a research project was launched with the objective of studying the changing nature of alliances and partnerships in the context of changing business models.

August 2016

Workshop on Artificial Intelligence: The opportunity and challenges.

To bring together experts to discuss the current state of AI, opportunities and challenges 

The challenges were discussed.

February 2017

Seminar on IoT and Smart Cities 

To bring together eminent speakers to talk about 'IoT and Smart Cities’. 

The proceedings of this seminar were launched as a KITE video.

March 2017

Panel discussion on Blockchain

CSITM organized a Panel Discussion on “Blockchain”. Eminent professionals from Wipro and successful start-ups were invited. 

The discussions helped students to understand the larger picture and the various ways in which Blockchain can serve as an “enabling” technology. 

19 January 2018

Lecture by Kaliya Young 

Kaliya Young is known as Identity Woman and is an

adjunct professor at Merritt College and is studying Aadhaar.


Domains of Identity and new Decentralized Identity Technology standards were discussed.

The lecture and discussions helped provoke thoughts and research activities around identity and its relationship.

05 March 2019

Panel discussion on AI and Governance

The Centre for Software & IT Management at IIMB and the Centre for Law and Policy Research hosted a webinar titled, ‘Ethics in AI Talk Series: A Conversation on Information Regulation, Artificial Intelligence, and Governance’

Prof Rahul De' from the IS Area presented the AI and Ethics project that he is investigating along with his doctoral student Sai Dattathrani. The research is concerned with the ethical concerns arising from the use of AI.

Other panellists included Prof. Sudhir Krishnaswamy of the CLPR, Santhosh, Secretary to the Govt of Tamil Nadu, Emilie Pradichit, Manushya Foundation, Thailand. They spoke about various aspects of law and technology regulation in society.

08 July 2021


4. Workshops in support of research activities





Joint Workshop on Paper Development for PhD students by IIM Bangalore and IIIT Bangalore

Workshop on Paper Development - a joint activity by CSITM of IIM Bangalore and IIIT Bangalore.

This was an activity leading up to the International Conference on IS (ICIS 2020). Papers from PhD students and researchers were reviewed by an international community of scholars and valuable provided. Research students of IIMB and other institutes benefitted.

This was held in virtual mode.

30 March 2020

Webinar Series - Rendezvous with Information System Researchers

CSITM and the India Chapter of Association for Information Systems (INAIS) conducted a series of workshops on research methods in the form of webinars.

A total of 12 workshops were held and they are listed blow

With a high number of participants, the series was highly successfully with the veterans sharing their experience for the benefit of the audience and answering questions.

All the events were held  in virtual mode and were very well received.

June to September 2020

List of workshops held under the Series “Rendezvous with Information System Researchers”






Theory Building 

Prof. Andrew Burton-Jones
University of Queensland

16th June, 2020 


Retroduction in the Critical Realist approach

Prof. Chrisanthi Avgerou
London School of Economics and Political Science

23rd June, 2020 


Qualitative Comparative Analysis 

Prof. M N Ravishankar
Loughborough University

30th June, 2020 


Heterogenous Data 

Prof. Sudha Ram
University of Arizona

7th July, 2020 


Econometric Modelling

Prof. Anjana Susarla
Michigan State University

14th July, 2020


Publishing in top IS journals 

Prof. Shirish C. Srivastava
HEC Paris

21st July, 2020


Experimental Methods in IS Research

Prof. Ryan Wright
University of Virginia

28th July, 2020


Survey-based Empirical Research

Prof. Tejaswini Herath
Brock University, Ontario

4th August, 2020 


Design Science Research 

Prof. Thomas Widjaja
University of Passau

11th August, 2020 


Ethnography in IS Research 

Prof. Janaki Srinivasan
IIIT Bangalore

18th August, 2020 


Agent-Based Simulation in IS research 

Prof. Balaji Padmanabhan
University of South Florida

27th August, 2020 


Panel Discussion on “Who are we doing research for” and Future of IS research  

Prof. Robert Davison, City University of Hong Kong & Prof. Richard Watson, University of Georgia

2nd Sept, 2020