IIM Bangalore offers Degree-Granting Programmes, a Diploma Programme, Certificate Programmes and Executive Education Programmes and specialised courses in areas such as entrepreneurship and public policy.
To focus on new and emerging areas of research and education, Centres of Excellence have been established within the Institute. These ‘virtual' centres draw on resources from its stakeholders, and interact with them to enhance core competencies
Faculty members at IIMB generate knowledge through cutting-edge research in all functional areas of management that would benefit public and private sector companies, and government and society in general.
To focus on new and emerging areas of research and education, Centres of Excellence have been established within the Institute. These ‘virtual' centres draw on resources from its stakeholders, and interact with them to enhance core competencies
Faculty members at IIMB generate knowledge through cutting-edge research in all functional areas of management that would benefit public and private sector companies, and government and society in general.
IIM Bangalore offers Degree-Granting Programmes, a Diploma Programme, Certificate Programmes and Executive Education Programmes and specialised courses in areas such as entrepreneurship and public policy.
IIMB has years of ongoing academic programmes, research collaborations and student exchange programmes with leading Israeli academic institutions and, especially, with Tel Aviv University (TAU), in the last four years
Faculty at IIMB have been involved in Israel-related research. Scholars from Israel have visited IIMB for research seminars and conferences
IIMB has an exchange relationship with Coller School of Management at TAU that has participation from the Post Graduate Programme in Management (PGP) students
The Coller School also has an International Exchange Week which has participation from the Post Graduate Programme in Enterprise Management (PGPEM) students
Technion is part of the Global Network for Advanced Management (GNAM) which allows IIMB and Technion students to take courses, during specific weeks, in the network's schools
Israel-centric teaching at IIMB, particularly the course 'Developing Technology Partnerships between Indian and Israeli Firms', is jointly taught by faculty from Coller School and IIMB, and involves live projects that require students to spend time in Israel