Centres Of Excellence

To focus on new and emerging areas of research and education, Centres of Excellence have been established within the Institute. These ‘virtual' centres draw on resources from its stakeholders, and interact with them to enhance core competencies



Faculty members at IIMB generate knowledge through cutting-edge research in all functional areas of management that would benefit public and private sector companies, and government and society in general.


IIMB Management Review

Journal of Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

IIM Bangalore offers Degree-Granting Programmes, a Diploma Programme, Certificate Programmes and Executive Education Programmes and specialised courses in areas such as entrepreneurship and public policy.


About IIMB

The Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) believes in building leaders through holistic, transformative and innovative education



The Economics Area engages in research, teaching, external engagements, and media and policy outreach in a wide range of fields. These include Behavioral Economics, Development Economics, Game Theory, Industrial Organization, International Trade, Labour Economics, Monetary Economics and Public Economics.

Research Overview

IIM Bangalore's PhD program in Economics is widely recognized for its academic excellence. As a part of the PhD program, the Economics area offers a wide range of courses that are of international standards, helping students build a strong foundation in research and teaching.

Research Spotlight

Can financial inclusion increase the intra-household bargaining power of women in India? Shivali Sharma’s thesis delves into how these factors drive structural transformation and overall development. From a policy perspective, understanding the interplay between financial inclusion and market access is crucial as it could inform strategies that enhance economic resilience, promote inclusive growth, and foster sustainable development.


I am a doctoral student in the Economics area. My research interests lie at the intersection of behavioural and development economics, with a special focus on education outcomes. I am currently working on how civil conflicts affect education outcomes and how post-conflict reconciliatory pogrammes can address the negative impacts of conflict


I study the decision to invest in human capital. I take the case of organisations and propose a flexible approach to measure the inefficiency in one of the human capital assets of an organization, which is its management


Dissertation Title


Satarupa Mitra Understanding Behavior in the context of Development: Risk, Nudges, and Identity‘ 2024
Banantika Datta Essays on the Role of Bilateral Agreements in Services Trade and Migration 2024
Tanya Jain Role of Policies and Institutions in Spurring Innovation: Evidence from India 2024
Rahul Rao Essays on Misallocation 2024
Anand Kumar Essays in Education Economics: Role of Identities Behavioral Traits, and Conflicts 2024
Garima Chaklader Servicification of Manufacturing Industries 2023

Subhasree Sarkar

Health Care Access and Demand: Role of Health Insurance and Health Services Trade


Abhishek Naresh

Essays on Labour Markets, Business Cycles and Monetary Policy in India


Manu Bansal

Essays on Indian Agricultural Exports Effect of Rural Roads and Geography Related Intellectual Property Rights on Agricultural Exports in India


Rahul Singh

Essays in International Trade in Post Liberalization India


Nayantara Dutt

Exploring Factors Contributing to the Skill Acquisition and Movement of High Skilled Workers 


Chetan Vikas Chitre

Use of Technology in School Education: Evaluation of Technology use in Rural Government schools in Karnataka


Ankita Dash

To be or not to be in Global Value Chains - Sectoral Analysis of GVCs in India


Kartik Yadav

Examining Diverse Concerns in Indian Education


Kalpana Tokas

New Age' Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs): Evolving Trends and Implications for Valued Added and Services Trade




Dissertation Title

Shivali Sharma Unlocking Opportunities: Exploring the Socioeconomic Dynamics of Market Access and Financial Inclusion

Anand Kumar

Effect of Social Information on Competition Choice

Muneer Kalliyil

Essays in Education Economics


Essays on Human Capital Investments

No. Course Name
1 Microeconomics I
2 Macroeconomics I
3 Mathematical  Economics
4 Macroeconomics II
5 Econometrics I
6 Microeconomics II
7 Econometrics II
8 Microeconomics III
9 Econometrics III

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