LeaderSpeak Series

Cohort 21 of the Post Graduate Programme in Enterprise Management (PGPEM) hosted a talk by Ashok Shastry, CEO & Co-founder, DriveU, as part of their ‘LeaderSpeak’ series. Ashok Shastry is a young entrepreneur, who started DriveU, in May 2015, with the dual objective of “making life simple for millions of car owners across India through technology while creating reliable incomes for those who need it the most”.
Ashok talked about his entrepreneurial journey, focusing on scaling platform business.

Founder and Design Director of Lollypop UI/UX Design Studio Anil Reddy shares his thoughts on how Design can enhance businesses in a session titled, ‘Impact of Design in Growing Businesses’, hosted by IIMB’s Post Graduate Programme in Enterprise Management, as part of the LeaderSpeak Series

From career mapping to climate change, Ashish Bhandari, MD & CEO Thermax Ltd, shares his insights on a range of issues with students of the weekend MBA at IIMB

Kavitha Siddada, Global IT Head of Design Engineering at Shell, shares her insights on technology leadership and inclusion in Retail IT in a session titled, ‘Technology Leadership – Retail Enterprises’, hosted by IIMB’s Post Graduate Programme in Enterprise Management