Dr. Raghunandan (Raghu) is Professor and Ryder Eminent Scholar at Florida International University. He worked as an internal auditor with Tube Investments of India Ltd., before completing his PhD from the University of Iowa. Raghu's research interests have spanned the broad areas of audit markets and corporate governance. He has multiple publications in each of the following premier accounting and auditing journals: The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Journal of Accounting Auditing & Finance, Accounting Horizons, and Journal of Accounting & Public Policy. He also has multiple publications in practitioner journals such as Journal of Accountancy, CPA Journal and Internal Auditor. His research has been cited in numerous publications of the GAO, PCAOB, and SEC. Raghu has served as an Associate Editor of Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Journal of Accounting Auditing & Finance and Accounting Horizons. He serves (or has served) on the Editorial Boards of, or as reviewer for, many other journals including The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting & Public Policy, and Issues in Accounting Education.