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IIMB Management Review

Journal of Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

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Complexity Theory and the Nature of Policy Making

Sanjeev Sanyal

Shri Sanjeev Sanyal, Principal Economic Advisor, GoI, delivers special lecture as part of the Centre for  Teaching and Learning’s Samiksha series

26 OCTOBER, 2021: The Centre for Teaching and Learning at IIMB hosted a webinar on ‘Everything Matters: How Complexity Theory Changes Our View of History and Economics’ , on October 25th, as part of its Samiksha series of webinars. Shri Sanjeev Sanyal, Principal Economic Advisor to the Govt. of India, was the keynote speaker.

He drew attention to the random agents and factors that continuously interact with each other in an unpredictable manner and create a world that is inherently non-deterministic. He further added that a true complex and non-deterministic system doesn’t have an end point, and so it keeps evolving. He also talked about the ways this idea provides a framework of flexible thinking for designing economic policies, interpreting history, and so on.

Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/NyWsiRM2U3g

The discussion was moderated by Prof. Chetan Subramanian, Dean Faculty and Professor, Economics and Social Sciences area at IIM Bangalore.

Dr. Kunal Dasgupta, Associate Professor, Economics and Social Sciences area at IIMB, was also present during the talk and presented an interesting viewpoint about the nature of policy making in a world that believes in complex systems.


Create Date
26 OCT

Complexity Theory and the Nature of Policy Making

Shri Sanjeev Sanyal, Principal Economic Advisor, GoI, delivers special lecture as part of the Centre for  Teaching and Learning’s Samiksha series

26 OCTOBER, 2021: The Centre for Teaching and Learning at IIMB hosted a webinar on ‘Everything Matters: How Complexity Theory Changes Our View of History and Economics’ , on October 25th, as part of its Samiksha series of webinars. Shri Sanjeev Sanyal, Principal Economic Advisor to the Govt. of India, was the keynote speaker.

He drew attention to the random agents and factors that continuously interact with each other in an unpredictable manner and create a world that is inherently non-deterministic. He further added that a true complex and non-deterministic system doesn’t have an end point, and so it keeps evolving. He also talked about the ways this idea provides a framework of flexible thinking for designing economic policies, interpreting history, and so on.

Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/NyWsiRM2U3g

The discussion was moderated by Prof. Chetan Subramanian, Dean Faculty and Professor, Economics and Social Sciences area at IIM Bangalore.

Dr. Kunal Dasgupta, Associate Professor, Economics and Social Sciences area at IIMB, was also present during the talk and presented an interesting viewpoint about the nature of policy making in a world that believes in complex systems.