Centres Of Excellence

To focus on new and emerging areas of research and education, Centres of Excellence have been established within the Institute. These ‘virtual' centres draw on resources from its stakeholders, and interact with them to enhance core competencies



Faculty members at IIMB generate knowledge through cutting-edge research in all functional areas of management that would benefit public and private sector companies, and government and society in general.


IIMB Management Review

Journal of Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

IIM Bangalore offers Degree-Granting Programmes, a Diploma Programme, Certificate Programmes and Executive Education Programmes and specialised courses in areas such as entrepreneurship and public policy.


About IIMB

The Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) believes in building leaders through holistic, transformative and innovative education


Public Policy

The Doctoral Programme in Public Policy focuses on research in public policy analysis, design, process and management. Doctoral level courses cover research that spans a wide range of sectors and policy areas. Faculty members have the expertise and competence to guide research in areas such as: Agriculture and Rural Development, Democracy and Decentralization, Environment/Ecological Economics, Policy Modelling, Institutional Structure and Effective Governance, Public Finance, Regulation, Urban Governance, Public Private Partnership, Political Economy, Gender and Development. Students and faculty actively engage with the Centre for Public Policy at IIMB.

Research Overview

Agriculture, Financial Inclusion, Education, Health, Human Development in Urban & Rural areas, Livelihoods… are some of the key focus areas of the Centre for Public Policy and the PhD Programme it offers. Prof. Arnab Mukherji talk about how research in this area impacts policy.

Research Spotlight

Why do candidates get into employment relationships through an intermediary? Why do employers try to find the right candidates through the intermediary? How does the intermediary fulfil the varying demands of employers and employees? My thesis attempts to find answers to these questions. Know more about my research here


My work hopes to contribute to the inter-disciplinary study of climate risk by refining the theoretical relationship between social and physical vulnerability, adaptation, and resilience. My work also demonstrates that a mixed-methods vulnerability assessment (using geospatial data and qualitative interviews) can be deployed in countries with limited high-resolution data.

Ongoing Research


Dissertation Title


Deepti Sharma Essays on Policy Approaches to Bridging Healthcare Deficits 2024
Gopi Sankar G Institutional Design for Market Participation and Livelihood Security of Smallholder Farmers: Case Study of an Agricultural Marketing Cooperative 2023
Soumya Pal Essays on Economics of Poor Environment 2023

H Venuprasad

Cropping Pattern and the Human-Elephant Conflict in South India


Vinay Reddy Venumuddala

Implications of Emerging Technologies on the Indian Information Technology Sector and Beyond


Jothsna Rajan

Essays on the Plural Logics of Regional Development



Behavioural Response to Policy Instruments towards Domestic Water Conservation


Sreenivas T R

Disruptive Public Policy: Challenges in Implementation


Naveen Bharathi 

Essays on Ethnic Politics of Caste in Karnataka


Aparna Krishna

Personalized Agricultural Information Delivery as means of Sustainably Increase Returns from Agriculture


Archana Purohit

Measurement and Mechanisms Exploring Patterns of Regional Development




Dissertation Title

Lakshmi Parvathy The Frontiers of Labour Market Intermediation

Sajad S Santhosh

Urban Flood Vulnerability and Climate Justice

Shivangi Rajora

Banking Structures in Rural India and Poverty Alleviation

Tanieem Noor Darvesh

Essays on Women Empowerment and Economic Development

No. Course Name
1 Statistics for Management Research
2 Public Policy Analysis
3 Public Administration and Law
4 Comparative Politics for Public Policy
5 Social Theory for Framing Research
7 Qualitative Methods
8 Microeconomics I | PGP Managerial Economics (either)
9 Econometrics I
10 Econometrics II
11 Climate Change, Society and Public Policy

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