Centres Of Excellence

To focus on new and emerging areas of research and education, Centres of Excellence have been established within the Institute. These ‘virtual' centres draw on resources from its stakeholders, and interact with them to enhance core competencies


उत्कृष्टता केंद्र

अनुसंधान और शिक्षा के नए और उभरते क्षेत्रों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने के लिए, संस्थान के भीतर उत्कृष्टता केंद्र स्थापित किए गए हैं। ये 'वर्चुअल' केंद्र अपने हितधारकों से संसाधनों पर आकर्षित होते हैं, और कोर दक्षताओं को बढ़ाने के लिए उनके साथ बातचीत करते हैं

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Faculty members at IIMB generate knowledge through cutting-edge research in all functional areas of management that would benefit public and private sector companies, and government and society in general.



भाप्रसंबें के संकाय सदस्य प्रबंध के सभी कार्यात्मक क्षेत्रों में अद्यतन शोध के माध्यम से ज्ञान उत्पन्न करते हैं जिससे सामान्यतः सार्वजनिक एवं निजी क्षेत्र कंपनियों और सरकार एवं समाज को लाभ प्राप्त होगा ।

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IIMB Management Review

Journal of Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

आईआईएमबी मैनेजमेंट रिव्यू

भारतीय प्रबंध संस्थान बेंगलूर की पत्रिकाएँ

IIM Bangalore offers Degree-Granting Programmes, a Diploma Programme, Certificate Programmes and Executive Education Programmes and specialised courses in areas such as entrepreneurship and public policy.


भाप्रसं बेंगलूर दीर्घावधि कार्यक्रम, उद्यमवृत्ति एवं सार्वजनिक नीति जैसे क्षेत्रों में दीर्घावधि कार्यक्रम, कार्यपालक शिक्षा कार्यक्रम एवं विशिष्ट पाठ्यक्रम प्रस्तुत करता है ।

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About IIMB

The Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) believes in building leaders through holistic, transformative and innovative education


भाप्रसंबें के विषय में

भारतीय प्रबंध संस्थान बेंगलूर (भाप्रसंबें) समग्र, रूपांतकारी एवं नवीन शिक्षा के माध्यम से नेताओं का निर्माण करने में विश्वास करता है ।

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Faculty profiles
Prof. Mukta


Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management
Dean, Programmes
Chairperson, Office of International Affairs
IIMB Chair of Excellence
Connect with Faculty


Mukta is interested in workplace inclusion of persons with disabilities. She has published papers in journals such as the Academy of Management JournalHuman Relations, Human Resource ManagementJournal of Business Ethics, Journal of Management InquiryJournal of Organizational Behavior, Organization Studies, and The Leadership Quarterly.

Her co-authored work has been recognized by Academy of Management Journal (Best Paper Award), Academy of Management (Carlo Masini Award nomination, Saroj Parasuraman Award nominations, Best Paper Award Runner up - Organization and Management Theory Division, Best International Paper Award - Organization and Management Theory Division, the all-Academy Carolyn Dexter Award), Personnel Review (Outstanding Paper), and by Human Relations (Among the top papers).

She held the Mphasis Chair for Digital Accessibility and Inclusion at IIM Bangalore.

Mukta is currently serving on the Editorial Boards of Human Relations and Journal of Organizational Behavior. She is also serving as an Associate Editor at the Journal of Management Inquiry and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

At the Academy of Management, she is currently serving as the Chair of the Professional Development Workshops (DEI Division). She has served as a Representative-at-large, a co-chair of the Doctoral Student Consortium, and a co-chair of the Junior Faculty Consortium (DEI division). She has also chaired the Carolyn Dexter Award Committee, the Saroj Parsuraman Outstanding Publication Award Committee, and the DEI Division Best Student Paper Award Committee. 

With respect to her work on disability, Mukta has served as a Member, Confederation of Indian Industry - National Committee on Special Abilities. She has authored reports on disability for The National Trust, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India; and for the Office of the State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities in Karnataka. Mukta is currently a member of EnAble India’s Advisory Board.

At IIMB, she has been a member of several committees (e.g., MBA, PhD, Research and Publications, Faculty Development and Evaluation Committee, among others) and has chaired the PhD program review and the Internal Committee. She has also served as a Member of the Board of Governors of IIMB.