Centres Of Excellence

To focus on new and emerging areas of research and education, Centres of Excellence have been established within the Institute. These ‘virtual' centres draw on resources from its stakeholders, and interact with them to enhance core competencies



Faculty members at IIMB generate knowledge through cutting-edge research in all functional areas of management that would benefit public and private sector companies, and government and society in general.


IIMB Management Review

Journal of Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

IIM Bangalore offers Degree-Granting Programmes, a Diploma Programme, Certificate Programmes and Executive Education Programmes and specialised courses in areas such as entrepreneurship and public policy.


About IIMB

The Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) believes in building leaders through holistic, transformative and innovative education



Hitotsubashi University
A GNAM Partner, ICS connects with IIMB to position their students, faculty, staff, alumni and other constituencies so that they can deepen their understanding of differences and commonalities in their economies and increase their effectiveness.

International University of Japan
Partnering for the exchange of academic staff and, students. Both institutes agree that research into the problems of the bilateral relationship between India and Japan can be fruitfully advanced by the exchanges of documents, information and occasionally by students who are working on the same set of issues.

Keio University
Both institutes are engaged in active students’ exchange for the past several years.

Kyoto University
The two parties will promote in particular activities pertaining to the exchange of scientific materials, publications and information. They will also collaborate on exchange of faculty members, students and joint research.

The University of Tokyo
Partners for exchanging faculty and students. Conducting collaborative research, holding joint lectures and symposia. Collaboration also for exchange of academic information and materials.

Waseda University
Collaborating to promote the exchange of faculty for joint teaching and research; to promote the exchange of qualified masters and doctoral students. To promote collaborative research in areas of mutual interest for publishing in joint authorship.

Meiji University

Facilitating faculty and student exchanges for joint teaching, research, and collaborative projects, with the goal of joint authorship in areas of shared interest.

Nagoya University

Supporting faculty and student exchanges for joint teaching, research, and collaborative projects, aiming for joint authorship in mutually interesting research areas.

Hiroshima University

Promoting faculty exchanges for joint teaching and research and facilitating the exchange of qualified master's and doctoral students. Encouraging collaborative research in mutual interest areas for joint publication.