MIJSC Foundation Day Agenda Date: 14th September ’21 10.00 am – 1.00 pm IST
Theme: Connect. Explore. Transform
YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/tNHI-LynwKk
Mizuho India Japan Study Centre (MIJSC) is celebrating its Foundation Day on 14th September 2021, marking its successful entry to the fifth year of its operations. MIJSC (earlier known as India Japan Study Centre) was founded with the aim to become a leading research and networking hub to pursue international, interdisciplinary, and comprehensive research on mutual areas of interest between India and Japan, and to provide students, researchers, business managers and policy makers with a deeper understanding of Japanese and Indian businesses.
The theme for this year’s Foundation Day is “Connect, Explore & Transform”. This virtual event is divided into three sessions, and each session will look into this theme in detail.
The programme includes keynote speeches by the Honorable Toshihide Ando, Minister and Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Japan in India; and Ambassador Sanjay Kumar Verma, Embassy of India in Japan, followed by the addresses from other dignitaries and Chief Guests.
In the first session, we would be sharing the milestones of our activities till date followed by messages from many dignitaries including Keynote address of Ambassador to Japan and Deputy Ambassador to India. In the second session, we would have a message from Consulate General of Japan, Bengaluru followed by sharing of our findings through research funded projects and webinars of subject experts. In the third session, we would be sharing a two major game changing projects that could potentially change the SME landscape and engineering education paradigm in India and Japan.
This zoom event is multilingual and can be heard in both English and Japanese. Instructions on how to access your preferred language is attached below.
Connect: With Stakeholders (70 min)
10.00 AM – 10.10 AM: Welcome Address – Chairperson, MIJSC
10.10 AM – 10.20 AM: Milestones of MIJSC (Video)
10.20 AM – 10.30 AM: Director, IIM Bangalore
10.30 AM – 10.40 AM: President, Mizuho Bank
10.40 AM – 10.55 AM: Japanese DCM, New Delhi
10.55 AM – 11.10 AM: Indian Ambassador, Tokyo
Interlude (5 Minutes)
Explore: Through Research / Webinars (45 min)
11.15 AM – 11.25 AM: Dean Faculty, IIM Bangalore
11.25 PM – 11.45 PM: Consulate General of Japan, Bangalore
11.45 PM – 12.00 PM: Exploring India-Japan Relationship through Research / Webinars (Presentation)
Transform: Through BET / VLCI Initiatives (60 min)
12.00 PM – 12.05 PM: Context Setting by Principal Investigator
12.05PM – 12.15 PM: Transform SMEs through B.E.T Project (Video)
12.15 PM – 12.25 PM: VLCI Mentor
12.25 PM – 12.35 PM: Chairman (CII-VLFM)
12.35 PM – 12.45 PM: Transform Engineering Colleges through VLCI Project (Video)
12.45 PM – 12.50 PM: MIJSC Brochure and Newsletter Issue 3 (September)
12.50 PM – 13.00 PM: Vote of Thanks by Chief Operating Officer (MIJSC)
13.00 PM : National Anthems of India and Japan
For inquiries, email at india.japan.study.centre@iimb.ac.in
Click here for MIJSC FD Poster
Click here for Instructions how to use languge interpretation in Zoom