Research Activity
Research Activity 2022- 23
Major International Research Collaborations
- Allen P Ugargol: Exploring a research collaboration with Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in April-May 2023
Key Research Activities/ Projects
- Arnab Mukherji and Allen Ugargol: The Management’s Decision Dilemma over Expan-sion and Sustainability Plans for the eLAJ Smart Clinics
- Vidya Jeevan, Dwajani S and Allen P Ugargol: Exploring the drivers of vaccine hesi-tancy for COVID-19 vaccination and factors influencing the same among groups priori-tized for COVID-19 vaccination in Bangalore district (Co-Investigator)
- Allen P Ugargol: Collaboration with Access Health International, India to deliberate to-wards the formalization and standardization of education in Health Informatics to create a cadre of well-qualified and trained health informatics professionals in India.
- Arnab Mukherji: Vulnerability Index for Tamil Nadu
- Arnab Mukherji: UHC Index: A district level measure of health systems
- Soham Sahoo, Ritwik Banerjee and Satarupa Mitra: Demographic and behavioural representativeness of online labor markets- understanding development through alternate data sources.
Research Activity 2021-2022
Major International Research Collaborations
Prof. Soham Sahoo, ESRC funded project with University of Warwick.
Prof. Arnab Mukherji is working on the project Evaluating the role of health insurance for reducing social inequalities in health in India
Prof. Arnab Mukherji is working on the project What drive poor care for child Diarrhoea? A Standardized Patient Experiment
Prof. Arnab Mukherji is working on the project Micro and macroeconomics of child health and nutrition for child development and budget in Karnataka
Prof. Arnab Mukherji is working on the project Survey of Health Trends (SEHAT) in India
Key Activities of CPP Faculty
Prof. Hema Swaminathan is working on the project Social Identities and the Labour Market, Co-Principal Investigator Initiative for What Works to Advance Gender Equality (333,365 USD), 2019-2022. Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Seed Grant
Prof. Ritwik Banerjee is working on the project Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researcher, for a visit to Universities of Gottingen and Dusseldorf
Dr. Allen P Ugargol is working on the project Exploring the drivers of vaccine hesitancy for COVID-19 vaccination and factors influencing the same among groups prioritized for COVID-19 vaccination in Bangalore district (Co-Investigator)
Prof. Arpit shah is working on the project Linking the Racialization of a Metropolitan City in India (Delhi) with Environmental Injustice Using High Resolution Paired Data” (with international collaborators)
Research Activity 2020-2021
Major International Research Collaborations
Prof. Soham Sahoo, ESRC funded project with University of Warwick.
Prof. Ritwik Banerjee, Identity Poverty: The effects of Majoritarian Politics on Cognitive functions and Social Identity choices," with Joseph Gomes, Amma Pannin and Emma Lindam, 2021
Key Activities of CPP Faculty
Prof. Soham Sahoo is working on the project “Educated Political Leaders and Development Outcomes in India”
Prof. Soham Sahoo, is working on the project “The effect of local crime on child marriage, school dropout and employment outcomes: A gender perspective from India” Soham Sahoo
Prof. Soham Sahoo, is working on the project “Assessment of Impact of a School Quality Improvement Pilot in 1000 Representative Government Schools in UP” Soham Sahoo
Prof. Arnab Mukherji is working on the project, “Consultancy and Paper writing to support Fiscal Policy Institute (Bangalore)’s work on Child Budget in Karnataka, funded by UNICEF: Arnab Mukherji
Prof. Hema Swaminathan is working on the project, “Social Identities and the Labour Market: What Can Household Surveys Reveal?: Hema Swaminathan
Prof. Hema Swaminathan is working on the project “Social Identities and the Labour Market”, Co-Principal Investigator (in collaboration with Azim Premji University), funded by IIM Bangalore and Initiative for What Works to Advance Gender Equality (IWWAGE).
Prof. Rajalaxmi Kamath is working on the project Identifying the Structure(s), Agency and Mobility within Indian IT Organizations: IIMB Faculty Seed Research Fund: Rajalaxmi Kamath
Prof. G Ramesh is working on the project Framework for Governance and Management of Temples, report submitted to Government of Tamil Nadu: Policy Study, Self funded
Research Activity 2019-2020
Major International Research Collaborations
Prof. Arnab Mukherji, Faculty Affiliate, WORLD Policy Analysis Center based at University of California Los Angeles, USA.
Prof. Hema Swaminathan, Faculty Affiliate, WORLD Policy Analysis Center based at University of California Los Angeles, USA
Prof. Soham Sahoo working on the project The Effect of Local Crime on Child Marriage, School Dropout, and Employment Outcomes: A Gender Perspective from India funded by Global Challenges Research Fund, Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) UK
Prof. Shabana Mitra & Prof. Sujata Visaria, HKUST are working on the project How are Votes Bought? An Empirical Examination of Transactional Politics in a Developing Economy funded by Research Grant Council, Hong Kong
Prof. Shabana Mitra & Prof. Kalle Moene (and others) are jointly working on the project Challenging Inequalities: An Indo-European perspective: funded by ICSSR-EQUIP.
Prof. Rajalaxmi Kamath working on the project “University Grants Commission, India and UK-India Education Research Initiative” with University of Essex funded by UGC-UKEIRI
Key Activities of CPP Faculty
Prof Hema Swaminathan, A. Nandi, McGill University and others working on the project “Policy-relevant observational studies for population health equity and responsible development” funded by Canadian Institute for Health Research.
Prof. Hema Swaminathan is working on the project “Social Identities and the Labour Market, Co-Principal Investigator (in collaboration with Azim Premji University) Funded by IIM Bangalore and Initiative for What Works to Advance Gender Equality (IWWAGE).
Prof. G Ramesh and Prof. Ankur Jain are working on the project “Job Satisfaction among Bank Officers of Syndicate Bank” funded by Syndicate Bank.
Prof. G Ramesh working on the project “National Payment Corporation India (NPCI): Chartering a National Payment Freeway”. Sponsored by NPCI.
Prof. Arnab Mukherji, A. Nandi, McGill University and others are working on the Project “Policy-relevant observational studies for population health equity and responsible development” funded by Canadian Institute of Health Research
Prof. Arnab Mukherji, Anirban Mitra, University of Kent, working on the Project “Political Dynasties and Vote-buying: A Study of the Synergies” funded by British Academy
Prof. Shabana Mitra is working on the project “Vulnerability Analysis for Karnataka” funded by UNICEF India
Prof. Shabana Mitra is working on the project “Vulnerability Analysis for Andhra Pradesh, Telangana.” Funded by UNICEF India