Slum Types and Adaptation Strategies: Identifying Policy Relevant Differences in Bangalore
Anirudh Krishna, M S Sriram and Purnima Prakash
Environment and Urbanisation , Vol. 26 (2), 2014, Pg: 565-585
Moving from the Household to the Individual: Multidimensional Poverty Analysis
Ramya Vijaya, Rahul Lahoti and Hema Swaminathan
World Development , Vol. 59, July 2014, Pg: 70-81
Metabolic Urbanism and Environmental Justice: The Water Conundrum in Bangalore, India
V. Mehta, R. Goswami, E. Kemp-Benedict, S. Muddu and Deepak Malghan
Environmental Justice , Vol. 7 (5), 2014, Pg: 130-137
Can Insurance Improve Health? A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation Of A Government Health Insurance Program For the Poor in India
Neeraj Sood, Eran Bendavid, Arnab Mukherji, Zachary Wagner, Somil Nagpal and Patrick Mullen
British Medical Journal , Vol. 349, Sept 2014, Pg: 1-13
Escalating Crisis and Lagged Response: Perspectives from the Mumbai Terrorist Attack
Ramesh G
South Asian Journal of Management , Vol. 21, Issue 3, Jul-Sept 2014, Pg: 167-182
Identity for Inclusion: Moving Beyond Aadhar
M S Sriram
Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. XLIX, No. 28, July 2014, Pg: 148-154
Air Pollution and Respiratory Ailments among Children in Urban India: Exploring Causality
Arkadipta Ghosh and Arnab Mukherji
Economic Development and Cultural Change , Vol. 63, No. 1, October 2014, Pg: 191-222