On the relationship between scale, allocation and distribution
Deepak Malghan
Ecological Economics , Vol. 69, No. 3, PP 2261-2270, 15 September 2010
Accessing Institutional Finance: A Demand Side Story for Rural India
Rajalaxmi Kamath, Arnab Mukherji & Maria Sandstrom
Economic & Political Weekly , Vol. 15, No. 3, PP 56-62, 2010, September 2010
Ramanagaram financial diaries: Cash patterns and repayments of microfinance borrowers
Rajalaxmi Kamath, Arnab Mukherji & Smita Ramanathan
Enterprise Development & Microfinance an International Journal , Vol. 21, No. 2, PP 101-117, 2010, June 2010
Impact of Access to credit on Labor Allocation patterns in Malawi
Hema Swaminathan, Rodrigo Salcedo Du Bois & Jill L.Findeis
World Development (Elsevier Ltd.) Available at sciencedirect.com , Vol.38 No.4, PP 555-566, 2010